July 28th 5-7pm (Beulah Meet & Greet)

Good Pasture Barn 7970 CO-78, Beulah, CO 81023

August 11th 5-7pm (Pueblo West Meet & Greet)

Pueblo West Eagles 348 S. McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo West, CO 81007

August 18th 5-7pm (Avondale Meet & Greet)

45500 Olson Road, Avondale, CO 81022

August 25th 5-7pm (Colorado City Meet & Greet)

Three Sisters Tavern & Grill 6695 W. Hwy 165, Colorado City, CO 81019

Sept 12th 5-7pm (South Side Pueblo Meet & Greet)

Big Daddy's Sunset Bowling Alley 1227 S Prairie Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005

Sept 23rd-25th 10a - 6p (Pueblo Chile & Frijoles Festival)

Downtown Pueblo/Union Avenue
$6 Gate Admission


Sept 30th 11:30a - 1:30p (Latino Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum)

Pueblo Convention Center
320 Central Main St
Pueblo, CO 81003

$25 per person

To RSVP for the luncheon call the chamber at 719-542-5513 or register online by clicking here.

October 7th 6-10pm (Pueblo Lincoln Day Dinner)

Pueblo Convention Center, 320 Central Main St, Pueblo, CO 81003

Get tickets: https://secure.anedot.com/pueblo-county-republican-party/cd4c655c0546e94f9fb34